Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015


This post will be "the truth", the truth about my body, uncovered.

"You have to love yourself before others can love you too"... But how can you love yourself when you don't want to look like this? The fact why i am fat is: I am addicted to food, not to fast food. I just like to eat good cooked food. Who doesn't?  And everybody knows that some people can eat more food without getting fat. Well, i am not one of them. I never was one of them. When i was a teenager i was riding a lot and when we met each other with friends we were always on tour with our bikes... I wasn't a couch potato.

In autumn 2014 i get so sick of looking myself in the mirror so i decided to get the gastric bypass surgery. January 2015 on the 8 of January i got my surgery. I already lost some weight.

But you know what? I tried to write in some Threads of gastric bypass themes.. The people are normally a lot heavier than me, so they don't understood me or pushed my decision. In someway i can understand normal weight people when they don't understand why i wanted this surgery, because they think it is not sooo hard to loose weight and do some sport. The truth is also: it is hard. But what when even the overweighted people don't understand me? Who am i gonna talking to? The doctor? Pretty sure the doctor never had the same problem like me.

Well anyway.. i started this photo project how my body will change and also about my experience. I hope you don't forget that it is really hard for me to make this photos public, so please look at them with some respect.

And this two last pictures are after the surgery. Stitches and some "paintings" of daily injections.

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