Montag, 23. Februar 2015

Fuck 2

Day for day a little bit of my weight is going down. I am happy.
After surgery i have made the experience of "haters gonna hate". It's incredible how many people think they know how i have to live and what my lifestyle should look like. And that's what i am now going to tell, people who are thinking more of the lifestyle others than the own one.

Everybody is doing that, me too. Everyone thinks they know how others have to live. I try to don't give a fuck what other people want to do. But i will not shut up when someone hurts me or treat me or others bad. It is okay to have his own lifestyle and to do what they like to do, but you shouldn't do harm to others. Why do we try to change others? And not ourself? How much energy could we spend in our own time to do something good with ourself then put energy in people who will not help you when you are in some troubles. I had met so many people in my life that i wish i never wasted my time in them. So stop to be ignorant and take time for your beloved ones, who will always offer you a hug when you need it!

In the last time some people told me what i have to eat (and i don't mean the doctors). That hurts.. and it hurts even more when you are eating ( as example ) a small piece of white bread and your heart starts to beat so fucking fast that you just have to lay down because you feel so bad. So please, let me then eat exactly that what i can eat and my body accept it, just leave me that small thing. Last time when i was at the doctor i lost 12kg since the surgery, he was proud of me... and i was happy.

I hope people who think that with this surgery it is easy to loose weight they can be a bit more openminded and look at that surgery in a different way. Your complete day is changing and your physical/psychical mood can go from the top to down - sometimes when i feel something is not good with my body, it scares the shit out of me

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